Yeezy season has turned into Yeezy year. On the heels of the Donda release in August of last year, Ye has delivered to us the sequel Donda 2 in his usual paradigm-shifting fashion.

Not too long ago Ye let us know that he was going into album mode by ditching his phone until 2-22-22 when he would be done with the album. Throughout the rollout for Donda 2 we saw Ye pretty active on Instagram and on the public scene. From both old and new collaborations, link-ups, Sunday Service performances, expansion into the tech world, the declaration of Black Future Month, the premiere of jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy on Netflix, & more, this past year we have seen Ye more locked into his vision than possibly ever.

Enter the release of Donda 2. Around a week before its scheduled drop date of February 22, Ye announced that the album would only be available for streaming on his own platform, the Stem Player. This groundbreaking move is meant to usher in the era of artists becoming free of the music industry & owning their own creations. Another game-changing move for the launch of the album is the manner in which tracks are being added for public consumption. Those who own a Stem Player have witnessed the arrival of Donda 2 tracks via its website and are able to listen to the album in real time as songs are being uploaded as they are completed by Ye.
Updating tracks after the initial album launch is not a brand new concept for Ye. The 2016 release of The Life of Pablo saw Ye toy with changing up some details on particular songs for that album as well as add brand new tracks altogether. Donda also got some of the update-in-real-time treatment. This approach by Ye looks to play into the hands of the creators which should not come as a surprise going off his career moves both in music & fashion. Who knows how many versions of Donda 2 we may get to hear?

Be sure to visit STEMPLAYER.COM to order and enjoy DONDA 2 & create your own mixes. What do you think of the DONDA 2 rollout & release? Let us know via our social media channels & keep it locked to YM for YEEZY updates.